Logo of Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution

Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution

Lithuania, Klaipeda    See a map
Jaunystes str. 1, LT-91274 Klaipeda

Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution(KVK)

IIt is the third-largest Higher Education Institution in Lithuania that provides professional Bachelor degree studies. KVK counts 100 years of experience in preparing professional practitioners. The initial target of KVK is ensuring of high quality of academic teaching and research facilities. KVK focuses on study programmes that lead to a profession. The graduates of KVK gain professional Bachelor degree. The studies are practice orientated; students are able to successfully apply their knowledge in a real working environment.

Institution consists of three faculties: Business, Technologies and Health Sciences. Applicants can choose to study 9 bachelor degree programmes in English language.


KVK website
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KVK YouTube


Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija / Higher Education Institution(KVK)

IIt is the third-largest Higher Education Institution in Lithuania that provides professional Bachelor degree studies. KVK counts 100 years of experience in preparing professional practitioners. The initial target of KVK is ensuring of high quality of academic teaching and research facilities. KVK focuses on study programmes that lead to a profession. The graduates of KVK gain professional Bachelor degree. The studies are practice orientated; students are able to successfully apply their knowledge in a real working environment.

Institution consists of three faculties: Business, Technologies and Health Sciences. Applicants can choose to study 9 bachelor degree programmes in English language.


KVK website
KVK Facebook
KVK Instagram
KVK YouTube


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BAGeneral Practice Nursing
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Technologies
BATourism Business
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Business
BAManagement of Organizations
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Business
BADental Hygiene
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Business
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences

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Faculty of Health Sciences

BAGeneral Practice Nursing
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences
BADental Hygiene
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences
BASocial Work
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Technologies

Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Technologies

Faculty of Business

BATourism Business
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Business
BAManagement of Organizations
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Business
Bachelor, full-time
Faculty of Business
