Important notes before applying to study at KVK
Important notes on requirements for documents you submit
One person can submit application for only 1 study programme. If the person creates different applications to apply for more programmes, those applications will be automatically rejected.
Please make clear decision and apply only for the programme you would like to study (LIST HERE)
You are required to submit (upload to your DreamApply application) certified good quality colorful scan copies of the original academic qualification documents (unless instructed otherwise in your country-specific requirements below). Certified copies are documents bearing an original signature and seal of the authority which certify that these are true copies of the original documents. The documents can be certified 1) by an authorized official of the issuing institution, 2) by a notary, or 3) with an Apostille attached. Also, please note that for some countries special document requirements may apply, therefore be sure to check country-specific requirements here – If your country is not listed, please contact
After arriving in Klaipeda, all admitted students are required to present their original education documents to the International Relations Department.
Photo of the document, print-screen from online site (if not specified) is not accepted.
Documents such as notification of results, provisional results might be accepted only from whose applicants who graduated from high-school in the same year as they apply for studies and documents are not yet issued.
Please note that all documents issued in other languages than English or Lithuanian should be supplemented with an official translation into English or Lithuanian. A translation is considered to be official when it is bound to a certified true copy of the document in the original language and is attested by the translator’s signature. Documents issued in English or Lithuanian must be certified true copies and do not require translation.
Make sure your scans are easy to read. Please make sure that the documents:
Include all text on the front and reverse sides. Are merged or scanned into a single file if the document consists of several pages. PDF is the preferred format. Appear ‘right-side up’. Are named understandably (secondary education; bachelor and bachelortranscript; passport; namechange, etc.).Keep in mind that we might request original documents for academic assessment of foreign qualification to be sent via post.
If applicant does not have the first main required subject for entrance score, then admission will not be granted. Subject requirements for each programme can be checked “HERE”:
Applications that contain incorrect information than the submitted documents (for eg., date of birth is different than the one written in the passport) or forged documents will be rejected without further evaluation and possibility to re-apply.
Applications with similarities in motivation statements will be rejected without further evaluation and possibility to re-apply.
Proof of application fee payment have to be added to the same application and not sent by email. Bank details for application fee payment is written “HERE”:
You can apply using the help of one of our partner agencies or on your own. Agency list – HERE. Applications through agencies should be sent by email and not submitted on
Please be aware that due to huge numbers of received applications from some countries, application system is closed for all non-EU residents.
All applicants can consult regarding requirements via email But answer on admission will be given only if all documents will be submitted.
24 Mar 2025